After removing his coffee soaked clothing, I put Matthew in his playpen while I cleaned up the mess.
One boy's long road to recovery. Matthew was born two months premature with a rare fourfold heart defect known as Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia and MAPCA's, and Ventricular Septal Defect. He's had two open heart surgeries and will need additional heart surgeries in the future. To appreciate the absolute miracle of this "3 plus million dollar boy", you'd need to look into the "Archives" beginning after his first 9 hr open heart surgery at Stanford, August 2005.
He is rarely in this thing...
it's mainly used in front of our entertainment center to keep his hot little hands off all the buttons, knobs and dials on the console.
"If you do the crime, you must do the time." On Saturday morning Matthew took his daddy's coffee cup into his bedroom and managed to unscrew the top. Well, story has it that was only the beginning of the saga. After pouring coffee all over himself and the floor, he managed to play in it and even walk through it leaving little footprints with each pitter pat around the room. (snicker, snicker)
Why rumor also has it, Matthew was quiet as a little church mouse giving "no hint" of the creativity that was taking place. Isn't that just like a little kid. The dead silence is always the "big giveaway".....
I see repentance written all over our little hero's face, don't you????? Hee Hee
I'm just glad it was daddy's coffee cup and not mine.....
Congratulations on getting th cap unscrewed, and I know you learned your lesson.....sure.......Love you sweet baby, grandma wright
I feel for you guys. The day before Christmas stupid Daddy (aka me) placed a coffee mug on top of a new kitchen set we got Ali. Daddy somehow thought she stopped growing at some point in time and her arms would never reach the top of the new kiddy refrigerator. Well I was proven wrong and she dumped a whole white chocolate mocha on the nearly new and somewhat light colored carpeting. The carpet is still stained, and fortunately she managed to miss herself entirely (other than the desire to walk in the spilled coffee). Moral of the story, kids grow up faster than I care to think about and man they have long arms.
awww. He is darling! This is my first time to your blog. I'm enjoying myself!!
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