Terri is our neighborhood "Mrs. Kravitz" and her curiosity extends into cyberspace. She was nosing her way through the site meter we installed on Matthew's Blog and found some very interesting stats on how some people find the blog. For instance, here are some of the subjects that were searched on Google and ultimately lead people to our blog:
1. MAPCA’s
3. G-tube
4. Cardiothoracic Surgery
5. Belgian Malanois (Quixa’s breed)
6. Kevin Odor (Our Pastor (see March ’06))
7. Johnny Hazelwood (my buddy from high school)
8. Cradle Cap
9. Weening off BiPap
Some of these searches are obviously medical in nature. Others are much more obscure.
In case you're wondering...
MAPCA's is:
major aorto-pulmonary collateral arteries....
since he did not have a pulmonary artery... these MAPCA's actually provided the blood to his lungs...
that's a good thing...
but... in his case these arteries were coming right out of his aorta to his lungs like an open spigot.
Dr. Hanley bound these together and made a "pulmonary artery" w/ cadaver tissue.
Amazing ... huh!!
The heart a size of a walnut!
Hey... someone has to keep the speeders on the street in check...
including school bus drivers!!
Keeping our kids safe on the neighborhood streets!
Wow, I got my own category :)and ranked #7 :)
hey buddy... we didn't rank this ...
I just made a list and gave it to Mikey.....
We did think it was funny that someone googled you... and it brought up the picture of your parents on the blog!
I'm surprised "adorable little boy" didn't pop up on your stats. It would definitely fit!
Those things seem NORMAL in comparison to my list. Consider yourself lucky!
I love all the new pictures posted! What a pretty bird perch! And Matthew's as cute as can be! We've got a button pusher, too. And now he's able to get up on the dining room table and spin the light fixture. Now if he'd just rip it out of the ceiling. Mommy wants a new chandalier.
Mrs. Kravitz does an excellent job of keeping the neighborhood cleaned up. Ha Ha. My hat is off to her all efforts to "slow down the speeders". We have NASCAR just outside of town; but "no" the speeders prefer the neighborhood where little children have to walk to school. The quiet neighborhoods have become speedways from point A to point B. Whatever happened to neighborhood speed limits??? The school bus drivers seem to make up time in the neighborhoods. A school bus in my area came around a blind curve at a high rate of speed, in my lane and almost hit my car. The city could make a mint on traffic tickets starting in the neighborhoods. (hint, hint)
When Matthew walks outside with his parents he makes a "beeline" for the street. He loves to run up and down the driveway because of the incline. Those little eggbeater legs just go faster and faster and someone has to greet him at the end of the drive going to the "street".
Matthew is such a happy little boy. His smile lights up any room. God Bless our little hero. grandma wright
8:22 AM
Oh boy .. I simply can't wait until Matthew starts climbing on the tables to swing from the light fixture.... wowwwweeeee!!!
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