Matthew has been fascinated with my coffee cup for almost a year now. He thinks the "spill-proof" lid discriminates against little-bitty fingers however. In the past, he has likened it to "taxation without representation". As you can tell by this photo, Matthew has reached a new milestone in his dexterity. In a scene reminiscent of the Boston Tea Party, Matthew managed to open the lid of my cup and pour the contents all over the floor in his room. Then he spread the coffee all over the house by walking through the puddle.
Hee hee... it was a crack up...
the house smelled like coffee all day...
we thought he was LITTTTTLE TOO QUIET in his room!!!
Well he finally figured out how to get into that magic cup Daddy has. He was just checking to see what was so good in there. Sounds like a litle boy to me. Well, then you have a puddle which also calls out to some of us who love to walk in those. And, then it is so amazing how that puddle just follows you all around the house. He is so curious which is a good thing. Ok, I think Grandma Sue has it all covered for you Matthew. I just love seeing all your adventures.
I love you. Grandma Sue
Creative and resourceful. I like that in Matthew!
I agree with both of the above comments. Matthew wants to be "just like daddy" and this was certainly a big step.
First thing in the morning daddy and his coffee cup are inseparable...... so this explains Matthew's facination. Grandma Sue was absolutely right on target about "puddles". What little boy can refuse to walk through one...again and again. This man made lake must have been thrilling
Matthew appears confused about all the fuss. How can so much fun be a "no-no"?
Adults are funny creatures. They get all excited over the "slighest things" ha ha Love you sweet little boy! grandma wright
It is simply amazing what kids can do in such a short period of time! Amazing, annoying, and downright FRIGHTENING!
Izzy dumped my coffee all over her (it was old and cold thankfully) the other day and was sooo proud of herself for finally getting that cup:) they can do anything:) these strong willed fighters:)
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