Tuesday, September 06, 2005

�Transitional� Plan in Motion

Dr. Gail Wright�s plan to transition Matthew�s medicines, treatments, and feedings into more of a home-management mode has begun. Today they decreased his Methadone, changed one of his diuretics from intravenous to oral, stopped his Tobramiasin (Sp?) breath treatment, decreased the frequency of another to once a day, and lessened his respiratory treatments from 8 to 4 a day. 4 treatments are much more manageable for parents to complete. Taking diuretics orally means no shots or IV lines at home. And, of course, weaning him off of any possible other medicines will always help. Matthew had his ultrasound done on his kidneys this afternoon. They will survey the effects the diuretics have had and how much calcium had deposited there. I asked Dr. Wright about the Broviack line and she said she will weigh out the risk vs. reward and get back to me. The access would be nice but he has to be re-intubated during the procedure.
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