Thursday, September 22, 2005

On the phone with Doctor Mayman

Matthew is wrestling with a high fever. This message from Terri says it all:

Note from Terri at 1:22 a.m. today
He's running a fever of 102 right now... I�ve spent 14 hours at the hospital... his heart rate was over 200 for about 3 hours... for about 30 minutes, it was 218+.... geez..... They started him on some antibiotics and are doing some blood & urine tests.... he had a temp on and off all day... his respiratory rate was up there too... in the 50's.....and sometimes 60's... (TOO HIGH FOR HEARTRATE & RESP)

They did put his vapotherm back up to 8.... I don't really know what's going on with him... it's weird.... they want to try to put a pic line in tomorrow and get him on some lipids... well... that's what they were saying before tonight with his fever coming back.... just when you think you're going to get a break! I forgot to 11:45 tonight... I met Matthew�s Pulmonologist... Craig Nakamura...what a great guy he is... he said after reading Matthews reports that he could see that we've all been thru quite an ordeal..... But was very positive about his getting better... what I liked best is the fact Matthew was past the idea of a trach! whew!!!!!!

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Grandma Sue said...

I'll be praying hard and hoping things turn around soon. Poor little guy is really not getting any breaks. I hope Terri & Michael can both get sleep so they can cope with all this. I'm like Dr. Nakamura - very positive about his getting better.

Love, Grandma Sue

Anonymous said...

I prayed very hard today myself...
for his fever to break and for the nurse to be successful putting in that PIC line... The fever ... well... it goes up and down... not sure why it keeps doing that...
I can't tell you how excited I was to hear the PIC was placed on the first try. No more pokes for a few weeks!