It was 2 years ago today that Matthew had his life saving 9 hour surgery by Dr. Frank Hanley. Thank God their are surgeons like Dr. Hanley out there. He's our hero, he gave our boy a second chance.
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One boy's long road to recovery. Matthew was born two months premature with a rare fourfold heart defect known as Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia and MAPCA's, and Ventricular Septal Defect. He's had two open heart surgeries and will need additional heart surgeries in the future. To appreciate the absolute miracle of this "3 plus million dollar boy", you'd need to look into the "Archives" beginning after his first 9 hr open heart surgery at Stanford, August 2005.
It's so hard to believe it has been two years, but we will never forget that day. After 9 hours of waiting, our prayers were answered and Matthew had his surgery. Dr. Hanley was wonderful to everyone, explaining all he did for our precious little braveheart. The weeks and months that followed were very challenging but Matthew came through it all with that amazing smile and will. We thank God for bringing Matthew into our lives, and Dr. Hanley for making him well so we could enjoy every minute of every day with this amazing gift.
We all love Matthew so much and will have many years to watch him grow and thrive. It is comforting to know there are Doctors who will continue to perform these miracles for so many other children and families.
We all love you Dr. Hanley and we absolutely adore Matthew.
Love, Grandma Sue
Ah yes, remember Kim and I eating all of that See's Candy!!!
And yes... it was that next month that was the hardest of all!
The heart surgery was easy breezy!
Yay for those two men!
Little man Matthew and Big man Dr.Frank!!!
Hug Matthew for me please!
Time does heal all wounds. The physical and the emotional scars have dimmed and turned silver; but the memories will always be there for us. At times I forget that our normal little active 2 year old endured the impossible. I will always be amazed how Matthew's happy little spirit shined even through the most difficult of times.
It was such and honor to shake the hand of Dr. Hanley. I know without a doubt that God is Kind, Gentle and Humble. To be able to touch the hand of a doctor who performs miracles everyday on Mother Nature's glitches brought me so close to our Heavenly Father.
Two years ago I was asking for prayers and pleading with God to Bless Matthew with His Healing Grace. I will always be humbled to know that God heard my cry and saved our little Magoo.
May God Bless you, Dr. Hanley, and give you the wisdom and power to perform your miracles on thousands of other children. Matthew is a living proof of God's Grace through you! Love to the King Trio on this day of celebration. grandma wright
I've been so busy, keeping up with everyone just not leaving comments. I'm reading today and tear's come to my eyes.... these doctors just amaze me and it's funny how we have our special heart kids and then we are introduced into this cardiology world and they become family. I mean it, Evan's cardio. is like family to us, we love him so much. I'm carrying on here but, Happy 2yr. 2nd chance anniversary Matthew!
God is GREAT, and He brought Dr. Hanley to the world to do these fantastic repairs on the teeeeeeniest of valves and nerves and all that goes into these organs. AMAZING!! MIRACULOUS!!!! Those events come from God. Thank you Heavenly Father for doctors like Dr. Hanley, and your blessings to this large extended loving Matthew family. We thank you for hearing the prayers and allowing Terri and Mike the option to see their son grow and have this 2nd anniversary of second chances!!
God Bless you Dr. Hanley!!!
Matthew is such an amazing little blessing! Thank God there are people out there like Dr. Hanley.
Hugs to all of you!
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