Monday, August 29, 2005

Raji and Jerry tend to Matthew

We always brace ourselves before walking into Matthew�s room each morning. We have to prepare mentally for the common dose of bad news. Today we walked in and Raji told us that Matthew�s Co2 levels had crept dangerously high in to the 60�s (40-59 is the required level for him to stay extubated). The medical staff responded by raising the settings on Matthew�s BiPAP machine. Even so Sandy the Nurse Practitioner was thrilled to come back from her weekend off to find him still on the BiPAP. While I was wetting Matthew�s tongue with a sponge on a stick, I noticed a dark spot on the roof of his mouth that looked like black spinach. I figured either Grandma Wright stopped by with bread and Pesto, or it was something medical. Raji and Sandy looked at it and immediately recognized it as Thrush. That is not an 80�s rock band from Canada. It is a very common ailment for kids with nebulizers or inhalers. Raji started treating him with a �swish and swallow� medicine for yeast infections. Posted by Picasa


Auntie Kim said...

I can see that one of the first things we will all have to do before having Matthew visit our homes is to throw out all purple colored dishwashing gloves.

Grandma Sue said...

With Raji & Jerry working on him, he's sure to be back on track soon. I love going there to see him and watch how wonderful the staff is with him. They all love Matthew.

Grandma Sue