Matthew has been trying to fight off nasty cough and cold sypmtoms for the past 10 days...
and he just couldn't do it. Talk about grrrrrrumpy, fussy, whiney and clinging. Uh Muh Guh!!!
He never did get a fever. (?) After listening to him wheez and try to breathe last night on the baby monitor, I decided it was time to take him in to see the doctor. This morning during a "retch" I noticed that his lips were a bluish tint, so off we went.
He's now on Zithromax and extra breathing treatments. We are trying to get away with NO STEROIDS... if his wheezing isn't better in about 4 days... we'll have to put him on prednisone.
Cross your fingers... steroids are not fun for these little guys... OR THE PARENTS.
Anyhoo.. that is the latest update on the GooMan.
And, in case you missed us on the CNN program tonight.....
you can watch "Broken Government: Health Care - Critical Condition" Sat 6 a.m., and Sun 4 a.m., 6 a.m. and 11 p.m. (all times eastern).
and he just couldn't do it. Talk about grrrrrrumpy, fussy, whiney and clinging. Uh Muh Guh!!!
He never did get a fever. (?) After listening to him wheez and try to breathe last night on the baby monitor, I decided it was time to take him in to see the doctor. This morning during a "retch" I noticed that his lips were a bluish tint, so off we went.
He's now on Zithromax and extra breathing treatments. We are trying to get away with NO STEROIDS... if his wheezing isn't better in about 4 days... we'll have to put him on prednisone.
Cross your fingers... steroids are not fun for these little guys... OR THE PARENTS.
Anyhoo.. that is the latest update on the GooMan.
And, in case you missed us on the CNN program tonight.....
you can watch "Broken Government: Health Care - Critical Condition" Sat 6 a.m., and Sun 4 a.m., 6 a.m. and 11 p.m. (all times eastern).
CNN just informed me that it will re~air Saturday, Feb. 9th at 8 p.m. Pacific time and 3 a.m. Pacific and the next Sunday 3 a.m. Pacific.
The Zeigler's were up first, then us.
The Zeigler's were up first, then us.
I hope you can avoid the steroids. Those things make Elijah an absolute crazy man. Get better, Matthew! xoxoxoxo
I saw you on tv last night and you were just beautiful. I was hoping to see a Terri in pink fuzzy slippers, old bath robe and curlers in her hair .....the way moms are supposed to look!
You really did a great job. Ever consider a talk show of your own?
I really appreciate how you have helped so many heart kids and their families. You are definitely the best spokesperson for this cause. Get out there girl and get some laws changed. We're all behind you!
Isaac's grandma
I hope little Mr. Magoo feels better soon! He is ALWAYS in my prayers!
We hope Matthew starts feeling better soon...
I know that I've already told you...but, you were so beautiful and eloquent last night. We're so proud of you and the voice you have for our little ones!!! You've found your calling....whether you like it or not!
we are hoping that he can stay steriod free adn is feeling better quickly! Have they tired differnt striods on him if the one he takes causes such bad reactions? Izzy took a couple different ones for her airway but soem where IV but I know that the ones the got her wiered might be worth and overnightin the hospital on an IV to avoid! we will be keeping you in out thoughts! wyndi and Izzy
Sure hope that GooMan is much better! I think about him a LOT!
Sorry to hear about matthew being sick, I it's weird for I've never seen him in person but I do truly Love that Boy
He yuvs you too Crabby!!
Okay, after several attempts I sat in my bed last night determined to catch the program and I DID IT! I was so proud of you, my heart friend, you did an absolutely wonderful job.
Matthew, I hope your feeling better!
heart hugs
Matthew...just keep holding down the couch...you look like you do it well!
Hope the Zithromax helps and the roid rage stays away!
call me this week busy mama!
oh my darlin magoo....get better, and no steroids baby, none of those icky things.....you and your mommy were so AWESOME on the TV....i was so proud to know you and look at you!!!
Give mom and dad hugs from antinesi!!! and then, get some back from me thru them!!!
Terri - Thank you for sharing your story with me on Gather. I will keep Matthew and the rest of your family in my prayers and close to my heart. - kathleen m.
Matthew looks pretty darn relaxed here. Reminds me of Uncle Keith when he was that age and wasn't feeling well. All he needed was a blanket, a couch and a TV.
The is about the second cold Magoo has endured and it looks like his chest is his weakest spot. Considering his past and his previous lung condition, I think he came through this bout pretty good. Mommy let him fight the cold on his own; but knew when that chest started to tighten up, it was time some medical assistance.
Matthew appears to be back to normal from the sounds I heard over the phone today. He was pretty happy to have his daddy back from Beaver. Life is Good! grandma wright
Hope you're feeling better cutie pie!
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