Friday, January 11, 2008

Isaac's Blog

Isaac's Blog
The Rollers found out tonight that Isaac will need a third heart surgery, scheduled this coming Friday at Stanford. Poor little guy, he just had a 13 hour surgery in November ~ they've only been home for one month. This was very unexpected, please keep the Rollers in your prayers.


sonya said...

I stumbled upon your site whilst searching for new research on PA with associated VSD and mapcas. My son, now 4 years old was born with this condition. He has been a miracle. He had his full correction at just 4 months old. It was a desperate decision for us and the cardiologists to go ahead and have this operation as he was failing to thrive, contracted RSV and was on a ventilator for nearly a month before the surgery. He also suffered 4 cardiac arrests so the surgery was a last attempt to save him. I am delighted to say he has done more than survive, he is living life up and will start school in the fall. I don't know how you feel but we feel so isolated here in the UK as this condition is so rare. We have not met any other families with anything even remotely similar.
Am going to take some time to read through your little boy's story and will be following his progress with prayers and thoughts for him in our minds.
with lots of love and sympathy
sonya x

Anonymous said...

Indeed Matthew is SO CUTE! I also wanted to share that I too found your blog while looking for research and updates on MAPCAs and VSD- our son who just turned 3 also has the same diagnosis and as Sonya posted in her comment- it is so hard to find good information or other families with the same condition- so many have TOF/PA with atleast some small true PAs- I'd love to chat more- my email is: and our webpage is:

So good to see that Matthew is doing so well- our son is as well,

Buffy Storm, Columbus OH