Oh boy.
Today was one of the single most trying days of all times at the King household.
*big huge sigh*
Matthew is going
thru some kind of steroid withdrawal ~ he's been inconsolable all day. It was kind of like "baby
roid rage". He was gosh darn banging his head on everything, hitting me and hitting himself. He was NOT himself ~ not that sweet little mild mannered boy we all know.
There was nothing I could do to calm him down. Finally, about 5pm, my sister came over and we called doctor ~ he had us give him some Benadryl. That helped a little.
When I say all day long, I am not kidding or exaggerating.
Per doctors orders, we have discontinued the
Megace (an appetite stimulant that is a steroid) until he is himself again. Remember, he was on
Prednisone for 5 days to help with the wheezing chest. Who knows, after today, I may never give him a steroid again!!!!! Geez Louise.
Not fun. I am emotionally wiped out.
* It's Sunday morning ... the little bugger was up for about an hour or so around midnight and he's been up since 4am ... that is quite unusual.. he typically sleeps from 9~10 pm until 6~7 am.
He's not being as wild though... still a bit temperamental, but not nearly as bad as yesterday.Wish us luck heading up to Beaver.