Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Matthew holding his Rattle Custom made by Nurse Keniki at Stanford.

Julie and Michelle from Nevada Early Intervention made a home visit today to asses Matthew's development. In most cases Matthew is right where he should be as a 4 month old (he was 2 months premature so he is considered 4 months old developmentally) and he has even met some 6 month old milestones. Terri and I are thrilled with the upbeat assessment. Julie and Michelle were impressed that he could hold things in his hands, support his head, and recognize us as his parents. They said the next milestone to look out for is Matthew putting his foot in his mouth and becoming more aware of his hands.
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Grandma Sue said...

Great news about his progress. He will surprise all the doctors I'm sure. Now the "foot in his mouth" thing is quite tricky. I've put my foot in my mouth a few times (:o)

Love, Grandma Sue

Anonymous said...

I'm usually pretty good at putting my foot in my mouth also!! Must run in the family :-)
What I thought was great... is the 6 month milestone was that he was pretty social ... that seems about right considering that Mike & I are very social ~ doncha think???!!