Wednesday, September 24, 2008

May God Bless your little soul Colin

A parents worst nightmare. A fear that we "heart families" always have in the back of our minds. (Well, mine and a couple other heart moms that I know.)
Colin w/ his mommy.
Colin w/ his daddy... most likely watching sports on TV!!!
Colin was a superman...there is no doubt about that.

We have posted about Colin in the past. The last post was in March.

Colin passed away unexpectedly on Sunday night. It seemed he was doing so well!!
I am absolutely heartbroken and shocked.

You can read his story here.

If you could, please leave a little message for his wonderful family. I know it would mean a lot to them. Colin had such a loving family.
This is a very touching video that Colin's parents put together of their short life with Colin,
to the song "The Dance" by Garth Brooks.
I can't help but smile when I think of what my fellow "heart mom" friend (Kathy, mommy to Isaac) used to call Colin...
Mr. Serious.

1 comment:

Grandma W said...

Please take a moment to go to Colin's blogsite. You will not walk away from watching his video without feeling the intense love this family had for this little boy. It squeezes your own heart and soul to tears. I can't even write this without crying.

God Bless Colin's family and hold them closely to His Heart tenderly as they loved and cared for His little angel for the short time He gave Colin to them.