Sunday, September 03, 2006

Now that Matthew is mobile, baths have become more frequent. Here Mommy gives him a loving embrace for being such a good sport in the sink.


Grandma W said...

Mommy must not have used "the sprayer". Remember, Matthew, two can play "that game". tee hee

It won't be long and the sink will be too small and you will have to go into the big tub with oceans of water and no sprayer.

Matthew has always loved his baths with all the fun attention he gets. I wonder if his towels are still warmed for him. Oh, for the life of a "KING". Love you two,
grandma w

Grandma Sue said...

Look at that. Can life get much better. You get a nice warm bath, then get wrapped up in a very cute towel and get hugs from Mommy. You are so loved and you truly deserve it.

I love you. Grandma Sue