Sunday, October 30, 2005

Bedtime is quite an operation. First Matthew gets his 9pm medications. Then we disconnect and move his oxygen machine into our bedroom. This machine produces quite a bit of heat and noise. Therefore we close it in the bathroom. To insure the dogs don't trip over the tube (again) we run the tube behind the closet doors over towards his bassinet. Then we re-attach Matthew to his oxygen and hook up his feeding machine at the same time. The machine is invaluable but time consuming to set up. Terri feels better when we vent Matthew's G-tube while feeding him so he doesn't get an uncomfortable build-up of gas in his stomach. If you look to the right edge of this picture you can see the hanging syringe with the orange tip of the feeding drip line in it. This works well but makes late night diaper changes a reel chore.
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1 comment:

Grandma Sue said...

I know your lives have taken a 360 degree turn and you are still reeling with all the concerns and responsibilities you have. But looking at your adorable son and knowing that he will bring you more joy than you could ever realize will make this difficult time a thing of the past before you know it.

I love you all. God bless you.

Mom (Grandma Sue)