Isn't this a precious picture? Terri sent this to my cel phone while I was at work Tuesday. I was showing it to the other sergeant I was riding with. I told him, "There is my everything."
One boy's long road to recovery. Matthew was born two months premature with a rare fourfold heart defect known as Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia and MAPCA's, and Ventricular Septal Defect. He's had two open heart surgeries and will need additional heart surgeries in the future. To appreciate the absolute miracle of this "3 plus million dollar boy", you'd need to look into the "Archives" beginning after his first 9 hr open heart surgery at Stanford, August 2005.
How sweet! Terri, you're beautiful and so is Matthew.
Awww... thanks Andrea!!
I have a real hard time getting the Goo Man to take naps in his crib..
so sometimes I plop down on the couch with him and watch the Sprout Channel...
and he falls asleep in my arms.
I couldn't resist taking a self picture. *giggling*
He's sooo cuddly.
This is an absolutely wonderful, loving picture of Mom & Son. It touches my heart. You are two of the most beautiful people I know and I love you both so much. My Son is a lucky man and you two are his everything. I'll take an 8 x 10.
Love, Grandma Sue
What a wonderful thing to say to your family, Michael!!!
You all are beautiful and I know the King Trio is a loving family that bonds through love. What is there about a "sleeping child" that touches the very depth of one's heart.
I love you guys, grandma wright
Look at this beautiful baby! Sent from Heaven!
OH WOW!!!! that is so gorgeous!!!!! Mike, you are such a keeper!!! To say such a thing, well, it melts women's hearts everywhere...big sigh...whatta guy!!
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