Sunday, July 16, 2006

Matthew's reaction to the Chickenpox vaccine has mostly subsided. At its' climax there were approximately 20-30 bright red pimples on his body. They didn't seem to bother him as full-on Chickenpox most certainly would have. The bumps have scabbed over and faded in color now. I think he derives new found pleasure in oatmeal baths. He was quite cooperative during this one.


TUFFENUF said...

Somehow after all Matthew has been through I don't think he even noticed the chicken pox! Good luck - he looks so good. I am glad he is so well!

Grandma Sue said...

What a darling, sweet face. His poor little tummy has definitely been through alot - not to say what he has, but he seems to take it all in stride. He is so adorable and I miss him so much.

Love, Grandma Sue

Anonymous said...

"My first centerfold-Show me the money" or I mean show my mom and dad the money. JC